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Monday, October 31, 2011

TOGA [ Plant family medicine ]

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       Today modern medicine has become part of our daily lives. The drugs that are sold in various forms of free and easily obtained with a relatively affordable price of the whole society. Lately the trend of modern medicine tends to return to the medicinal plants used traditionally. There are several reasons underlying this trend. For example, medicinal plants are used appropriately, no or less side effects compared with terutaman modern medicines are made from synthetic materials. Another reason, traditional medicines are also more appropriate for use as a disease or to maintain health.

      What is meant by TOGA Park Family Medicine. The word "Park" menunjukakan existence of an effort to enhance the aesthetic value of plants - in this case of medicinal plants - with the settings that correspond to the potential of land and unsightly mata.Sedangkan the word "Family" show "garden of drugs" serves to maintain the health of all members family and made in a family environment, ie in the yard, may also in the school yard or office. Yard usually has a limited land area, the types of medicinal plants should be selected that are important and useful for the purpose of maintaining family health day - day. In addition, the selected plant species are easily cultivated and does not take place because of the size of a large canopy. Due to the nature of different yard with a garden or field, then the selection of plants should also pay attention to the beauty factor and memperhatkan page state, for example, the contours of the land, shapes and the presence of trees or other buildings.
       The most important factor in regulating land for medicinal plants is concerned aesthetics (beauty). Do not let the medicinal plants that we planted in the yard damaging / disturbing scene. Also be aware of the existence of other garden elements, namely a soft material such as cattle sheds, flag poles, walkways, fish ponds and other - other.

       The definition of medicinal plants is a plant that one, several, or all parts tanman contain substances or active ingredients are efficacious for health (healing illness).
What is meant by the plant are the leaves, flowers, fruit, fruit peel, stem bark, roots and tubers. In using medicinal plants, there are some things to consider in order to get treatment outcomes as expected, yaotu as follows:

When Picking Plants (In general):
1. Leaves collected during flowering and before fruit becomes ripe.
2. Flowers were collected before or immediately after bloom.
3. Fruit picked in the old state.
4. Seeds collected from fruits that ripen perfectly.
5. Roots, rhizomes (rhizome), tubers (tuber), and bulbs (bulbus), collected during the process of growth stops.

Washing and Drying
Materials - materials that have been collected, washed well done as quickly as possible. Can be immediately used for the treatment of fresh material, or dried for storage, and can be used if necessary.

Drying objectives:
1. Reducing the water content thus preventing spoilage by fungi or bacteria.
2. To be durable.
3. Easily crushed if you want to create powder.

Ways of drying:
1. If the material is large or contains a lot of water, can be cut - cut as necessary.
2. Drying can be directly under the sun or wear pelindug.
3. Can also diangin - aired in the shade, or in a drying chamber that good air flow.

Some things about the names used are:
1) the scientific name (scientific name): Latin name is often used
2) the name of Indonesia: a name that has been set by the Directorate General. POM DEPKES RI

The emphasis is healing properties when used single, rather than mixed.

How to use
If no name attached, then boil simplicia (ingredients from medicinal plants, which have not been mixed, processed yet, but already in a clean state) with a small flame, by adding 3 (three) cups water (more Less 600 cc) up to 1 (A) glasses of water (More Less 200cc). Medicinal plants are still dressed simplicia, pengobata results seem slow but it is constructive, bebeda with chemical drugs, the treatment results appear quickly, but it is destructive. Therefore, not recommended their use in disease - infectious diseases that are acute (fast) but more diutamaka for health maintenance and disease - a chronic disease that can not be cured by medication or require a combination of chemical treatment (chemical drugs with medicinal plants).

Grouping of medicinal plants into 5 (Five) types as follows:
1. Fruit crops, namely: Plants producing fruit and fruit commonly consumed but have medicinal properties.
2. Vegetables, namely: foodstuff source of vitamins and minerals but have medicinal properties.
3. Plants Spices, namely: plant commonly used as a spice kitchen but have medicinal properties.
4. Ornamental plants, namely: the aesthetic value of plants commonly used as decorative elements both inside and outside the room but have medicinal properties.
5. Other, namely: medicinal plant crops other than fruits, vegetables, spices crops and ornamental plants.

AWAR - AWAR (Ficus septica Burm.b.)
DISTRICT NAME: Sirih popar (Ambon) Tagalolo, Bei, Loloyan (Darwin); Ki ciyat (Sunda); Awar awar (Java); Bar-Abar (Madura); Awar awar (Belitung); Tobotobo (Yuk); Dausalo (Bugis ); Bobulutu (North Halmahera); Tagalolo (Ternate). FOREIGN NAME: Papua New Guinea: omia (Kurereda, Northern Province), manibwohebwahe (Wagawaga, Milne Bay), bahuerueru (Vanapa, Central Province). Zamboanga: hauili (Filipino), kauili (Tagalog), SIO (Bikol). NAME simplicia Fici septicae folium; leaves awar-awar

Description of plants: trees or high bushes, stood 1-5 meters. Crooked trees bend, soft, round astigmatism twigs, hollow, glabrous, rubbery nodes. Stipules leaf single, large, very pointed, single leaves, stalks, leaves alternate or opposite seat, handled 2.53 cm. Working oval or elliptical, with rounded base, tip narrowed quite blunt, flat edge, 9-30 times 9-16 cm, from the shiny dark green, with lots of pale spots, from the green, left-right central stem with 6-12 leaves bones as well; both sides because of sporty midribs pale color. Compound flower pot arrangement of pairs, short, with three leaves on pangkaInya protective, light green or green-gray, diameter of about 1.5 cm, in some plants have male flowers and flower gal, on the other female flowers. Type of fruit pots, fleshy, green-green-gray, diameter of 1.5 to 2 cm. Flowering time in January - December. This plant can be found in Java and Madura; grown in an area with an altitude of 1200 m above sea level, can be found at the roadside, thicket and forest terbuk

Habitat: Grows wild as weeds in the lowlands to 1200 m asl

Part of plant used: Leaves

Chemical Ingredients: Flavonoids; Sterol; Benefits: Sudorik; Diuretics; emetics

Simplesia Name: Folium septicae Fici

Leaves of Ficus septica can inhibit the growth of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli in vitro, the test results bioautografi reported that 4 g awar awar leaf extract which is soluble in methanol to inhibit bacterial growth. Antofin (5 g) as an antibacterial effect (B. subtillis, M flavus and E. Coli)

The traditional recipe:
Herpes, Headache, Rheumatism:

Awar-awar fresh leaves to taste; Water taste, Dipipis to form a paste, smeared on the skin of the sick one day 2 times.

We will present the types of plants that can be used as traditional medicine in the next post

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